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Use gowall in Scripts


All the commands of this section are available in version v.0.2.0 and above.

Preview all of the 25 built in Themes

Lets say you want to see how the all of the colorschemes of the 25 built in themes look like on an image. We can easily do that with a small bash script and the gowall convert path.png -t theme -o outputName command.


themes=$(gowall list)


while IFS= read -r theme; do
gowall convert "$input_path" -t "$theme" -o "$theme"
done <<< "$themes"

The output of the above script will be the following, with the names of the images being the themes that your image got recolored to:

1. catppuccin.png
2. nord.png
3. rose-pine.png
4. everforest.png

Load a Theme dynamically in the runtime via .json file

Lets say you have a way to generate a .json with hex colors (probably via another script) and dont want to define them in ~/.config/gowall/config.yml. Now you can pass .json with a certain interface into gowall.

gowall convert ~/Pictures/img.png -t test.json

gowall convert ~/Pictures/img.png -t ~/clr/test.json # relative path

The test.json must have the following interface :

"name": "MyTheme",
"colors": [