Convert Wallpaper's Theme
(A new Algorithm is available 50% faster
and far more smooth
than the old one. Available in Version v.0.2.0
) : click here to check out the differences. (It's the Default from v.0.2.0
and onwards)
➤ Singe conversion
Convert any image to your favourite color scheme. Do gowall list
for a list of available themes
gowall convert path/to/img.png -t <theme-name>
Notes 🗒️ :
does not have to be an absolute path. You can use a relative path with the~
gowall list
shows the 25 built in themes along with any custom theme you created in~/.config/gowall/config.yml
accepts a.json
file with hex colors in the runtime see more info here
➤ Batch conversion
Processes more than 1 image at a time.
gowall convert -b path/img.png,path/im2.png -t <theme-name>
⚠️ Do not leave any white spaces between the comma ,
➤ Convert a whole Directory
Use the #
delimiter to convert every image file under that directory.
gowall convert ~/Pictures/# -t catppuccin
gowall invert ~/Pictures/test/#
Notes 🗒️ :
Only png
images will be converted any other directory or file will be ignored
New Algorithm v.0.2.0
As you can see the new backend for color correction offers big improvements in :
(getting rid of the sharp color changing)
Use the old backend
Optionally, if some users want to use the old backend, they can by using specifying the option in ~/.config/gowall/config.yml
. It should
be at the top level where themes:
ColorCorrectionBackend : nn