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Create a Gif from Images

➤ Creates a gif from images. You specify all the path to the images you want to create a gif for with , as the seperator. If you dont specify any flags the defaults are set so it loops forever and it has a 2 second delay between frames.

gowall gif -b ~/Pictures/NOBORDER.png,~/Pictures/girl.png 

Do not leave any spaces between the path to the images.The -b flag is necessary


Delay between Frames

To change the delay between the frames you can use the -d flag followed by an integer. 100 is 1 second.

gowall gif -b ~/Pictures/NOBORDER.png,~/Pictures/girl.png -d 100

Loops of the frames

The l flag is used to specify the number of loops to show the frames of the gif.

  1. l=0 If you want the frames of your gif to show forever (default).
  2. l=-1 If you only want to show the frames of your gif only once.
  3. l=n This will show the frames of the gif n+1 times.
gowall gif -b ~/Pictures/NOBORDER.png,~/Pictures/girl.png -l -1