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Remove Background of an Image

Remove the background of an image

gowall bg ~/Pictures/img.png

You also have a bunch of options to play around with for more control.


This algorithm will be refined over time to give better results as i implemented it from scratch.


remove background

More control

-c is the convergance flag (default 0.001).
-i is the iterations flag (default 100). Increasing this value will make the removal take longer but might rarely do a better bg removal.
-r is the goroutines flag (default 4). Increasing it will increase speed and utilize your CPU more.
-s is the sample rate flag (default 0.5). By inc/decr this value you can influence the speed and quality background removal.

You can combine them together to control the parameters of the background removal.

gowall bg ~/Pictures/img.png -r 10 -s 0.8